Monday, June 15, 2009

Live yours right!

A person puts up a spirited search,
for the certainties of tomorrow,
to grasp predictability upon the events,
of the natural world and the artificial ones.
Then there are those certain aspects of morality,
That we are in continuous pursuit of perfection,
To get better, to want better, to have better.
Yet there is a certainty of death,
and life puts on a grave importance,
for those in suffering and the ones in bliss.
We become authentic with our activities.
Every endeavor becomes personal or has our personal touch
To free the oppressed, to feed the hungry, to heal the sick...
becomes the domain of the privileged.
Health in society is to care for all,
Law in a land is to govern all, if not our morals...
Food to feed thee strength of a working nation
and that of those who are struggling.
The empty walk in tatters, shred to pieces within
Love for them has faded, and are monstrous in the eye.
Then the qualitative and the quantitative measures of life
tells us apart, of who's worthy and who's not.
and that is introduced as our norm,
We accept it with much trepidation,
discriminating amongst friends and making foes.
The order sips into disorder, convincing us we are still right.
However far from human we have come,
Our outbursts and menacing nature makes us alien.
Those that do receive true salvation,
are too timid to speak up.
The times are rife for a repeat of history,
where good men are sacrificed.
The true revelations is that we are life,
a beginning to it and inevitably an end.
A darkness and light,
So I live mine right,
while another lives theirs as they see fit!

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