Thursday, January 29, 2009

Kenyan Politician...

The one thing I have not heard anyone complain about is the price of Local Newspapers. Now, I understand we are burdened by a shortage of food, low pay [Given the Teacher's strike] and everyone talking about a poor Economy. The entire fault mounted squarely on the Members of Parliament, for everything they are. I can't help wonder what a Kshs 35.00 can do for common mwananchi. For a campus fellow such as myself, that's a pretty ready meal.
In truth, our leaders are unworthy of the title. Visions 2030, while a Kibera, Dandora or Nairobi West fellow struggles with the thought of having to mug his friend for a meal.
Men in suits are all they have proven to be. Wonder if there are interesting stories on Kenyan Military Generals or intelligent lecturers, maybe an Imam or Father of Christian Faith. I am spelling a revolution and am spoiling for one too.

1 comment:

  1. yea! must be about all the quarters in life!i was mugged once and couldn't help but understand the situation.we'll keep guiding.


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