Wednesday, January 21, 2009

No one Wounds me with Impunity.[Edgar Allan Poe - Cask of Amontillado]

A dull morning to start the day with I must say. The heavy grey clouds with thick dark under bellies hover around much of the sky; they’ve got pretty thorough covered. Though occasionally, the sun manages a sneak past the hovering mass, it is not a convincing fit at all.

Taken to this imposingly heavy mass of liberty, I have roamed the corridors of my campus, opting to skip my two hour lecture for a reason am still to come to terms with. I could say, I have become a somewhat sluggard, as my appetite for that vice sloth has been pretty insisting lately. That being said, I have no sign of waning any time soon when it comes to that little matter.

Luckily, I have another two hours at my disposal to figure out what my will wishes of me. I am still at ends trying to crack this concrete wall, of an enigma behind my recent behavior. Therefore, I decided – for there is no place better – to collect myself into the pages and shelves of our library. I always seem to find a cause to correct my erroneous paths, unlike benefitting the norms of my life’s formalities.

So the line crosses somewhere, sharing life from a whole into difficult and pricey parts. It is no wonder then, they that ask, question the proceedings of their lives, of the seemingly many precepts of orderly and model life. For those of us, feeling uncomfortable in the suit and shoes of modern trend, the expectation and diction of progress at whatever cost. We are fallen by tragedy to witness and wince at the world, wonder and gather curiosity as to how a whole world, a people cannot know or see it.

It is evident, to mine eyes that my grated companions, friend and foe, make it difficult that my fancy may make easy a difficult thing, untangle an ugly knot of delusion and prejudgment of what they or I are capable of. Far worse, present on the stage, the world plays audience to art, leadership by a fine example of BARACK OBAMA, drama and disaster; unconcerned by the numerous sirens blaring of an impending danger.

‘Finito’: Long lines leading to judgment. The lengthier and bulkier ones to a fierily grave, straighter and narrower one to heavens above. A friend of mine shared this with me; spoke of a dream had last night and now coupled with me on a break first table contemplating an unsure future. It is no simple matter I mention this, for in sincere confession I skipped a beat of my ordinary hearty renditions. And with good reason, for it is known to me as will you, my friend holds no particular religious faction, far from it, he is as secular as they come.

Save my Muslim friend with a wardrobe harassment complaints filling up every suggestion box, even the cafeteria food section. The days proceed in usual fashion, as a cultured lot, prone to snobbish and traitorous tendencies fill the corridors of my religiously sensitive campus. Why do so many of us, (self included) hurry to attend to our roles in the world, some of them which are not too happy to fulfill and equally unashamed to reveal. Institutionalized to offer no salutations to anyone, apart from our sexes and opposites that seems deserving or class-worthy. Offering still, none to our neighbors, former and farmer acquaintances or fellow age blocks of both inspirants and aspirants.

Accepting for fact, we are better of and better persons when amassed with accolades, material possession, promiscuity and our names fail not in the praise and worship in these tens of tongues blubbing about vice laden activities. My conscience is labored, it feels belated and burdened with the weight of the world on its shoulders. Christianity offers deliverance, Islam offers moral philosophy, Hinduism a natural tranquility and secularism the fanfare of who’s who in society, addictions and habits alike, strain to the tether and envious jealousy over achievement and success.

My world, my campus, my home…a place of chasing time!

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